Saturday, August 29, 2020

Measurement Mania

Our Toy Story theme included many measurement activities. We worked on the third grade standard of measuring accurately with a ruler to the nearest 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch. We also had many opportunities to discuss the difference between centimeters and inches. Further, we compared and contrasted intervals on a  number line to a ruler.

One of our first activities was "Pin the Parts on Mr. Potato Head."  We had a giant Mr. Potato.  Students had to measure the parts in both centimeters and inches before we could decorate the potato.

We had an "Infinity and Beyond" challenge.  We built a giant number lines.  We measured the intervals so they were all equal.  Then, we placed different locations, like Pizza Planet and Andy's Room, along the number line.  We determined the distance between the different locations.  Last, students went back to their desks.  They had to use their own number line and army men to solve word problems.

In "The Claw" activity, students had to reach in to the machine and grab out an alien.  The aliens were actually green Easter eggs.  Inside the alien, there was an object to measure next to a paper ruler.  Students had to determine if the they were measuring in centimeters or inches.  Then, there was a bit of a challenge. The object was not lined up with the edge of the ruler, so students had to know to count the intervals or subtract the starting point.

We also did an activity called "There's a Snake in My Boot."  We selected measurement word problems out of a pair of boots.  Students used a ruler and playdough to model the problem and discover the solution.  Thank you to Kori Markussen at True Tales of a Teacher, Amy Lemons at Step Into Second Grade, and Hope King at Elementary Shenanigans for your inspiration to make this Toy Story Transformation a success for my students.

Save the Toys! Toy Story Breakout

We had a Toy Story Breakout!  Students came in to see the Breakout box with four locks. Then, there was a puzzle up front.  Once the students put the puzzle together, they saw a message.

Oh no!  Woody and Buzz are trying to make it home to Andy.  Help them complete the challenges to get back to Andy.  Find the gas station and get started.

They had to solve a series of clues to unlock each of the locks.  To solve the clues, students used reading strategies.  For example, in the gas station challenge the children used their inferencing skills.  We read scenarios about Toy Story characters and had to infer how the characters were feeling.  In later challenges, students had to use their knowledge of main ideas and details, sequencing, and even nonfiction text features.  The students were working so hard on finding the lock combinations, I don't think they realized how much content they were tackling!

In the end, the students had solved all the challenges and opened al the different locks.  There was a letter lock, directional lock, a four digit combination, and a key.  It was time for the big reveal!

Students each got a "Forky" kit.  How fun!  They took their Forky kits home to "make" a new friend.  In the kit, there was also a mini book to write about their Forky adventures.  I can't wait to see what the students come up with.

You've Got a Friend in Me

Off to a magical start in third grade!  What a great group of students, I am so lucky to be their teacher.  We are going to be a great classroom family.  We started the year with a Toy Story theme.  Just like the toys in Andy's room come alive, I hope to make learning come alive for the students.  Another great theme is "You've Got a Friend in Me."  Back to school is the perfect time for meeting new friends.

We spent some time this week getting to know each other.  We played "Giant Jenga to learn more about each other.  To play a student would come to the front and hand sanatize.  Then they would choose a discussion card.  Everyone would discuss the card's prompt with a partner.  The student that chose the card shared with the whole class and then pulled a block on the Jenga game.  We had a great time!

We also read a few great books about friendship including: Stick and Stone, Peanut Butter and Cupcake, and How to Lose All Your Friends.  Check out your students' SeeSaw page to see what they wrote about being a good friend.

Building a classroom community has been different this year with remaining physically distant.  The children have been troopers with masking, washing hands, and trying to keep distance.  I'm really proud of them.  I'm super impressed with the children's flexibility and positivity.  They've got the morning choice routine down to include making a lunch choice, hand washing, and taking care of their backpack.  Also, noodle distance tag has become a favorite at recess.  I'm proud of them! 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Back to School 2020

Ready to make a little magic in third grade?! Welcome to our classroom blog! I use this blog to give you a view into our classroom. I try to post weekly with pictures and videos of classroom happenings. I include learning objectives with helpful links for review and extension activities. My goal is to keep us all connected in the learning! 

Things will certainly be different this year with Covid 19.  We have many new procedures in place to keep the children safe. Further, I am working very hard to not only keep the students healthy but engage them in learning.  And....I hope to see smiles so big that I can see them behind those masks!


If you are interested in learning more about me, click on the "Meet the Teacher" tab above. The link includes information about my family and experience, as well as, links to articles I have written and a short video documentary on my work with educational technology. Further, I have posted my contact information. Below is the back to school letter I sent home Monday or click here for the pdf. I am looking forward to magical year in third grade!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Back to School Forms

So many forms come home the first weeks of school.  Thank you in advance for filling out all the permissions and updates.  We appreciate your time.  For the forms I keep in my classroom, I am trying something more eco-friendly this year.  All the forms are digital.  You can access them using the QR codes sent home on the first day letter or you may click on the links below.  If anything is not working, please let me know and I will try and correct the problem.  Again, thank you so much for your time.

1. Sign up for Remind.  Text the message @69g67g to the number 81010.

Memories....2019-2020 Slideshow

My Smilebox Creation

Going the Distance

Distance learning was tough on all of us....but as always, the magic of threes brought their own magic to this challenge.  The students worked extremely hard and made the best of this difficult situation.  I love these students so much!  I can't wait until it is safe to give them a HUGE hug.  These third graders were a part of history.  Here are some pictures of how we worked hard, lifted each other up, and stayed positive.  Even though we had to be apart...we were all in this together!

One of the highlights was visiting each house for a May the 4th surprise.  It did my heart good to see so many sweet smiles!

It didn't matter if the children were completing their learning menu, attending a zoom meeting, completing a paper packet, or making a encouraging video for their classmates....this class was a model for how to SOAR during a world wide pandemic.  They can truly do ANYTHING.  Here is another staff dance video to celebrate our Eagles.  Click here.